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About the Author
Jessica Goering is an author, professional keynote speaker, adjunct psychology instructor, national board certified counselor, and licensed mental health counselor. She has studied the field of psychology and human behavior for more than two decades. She has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology and has specialized experience working with children and adolescents as a mental health clinician. She is passionate about helping families heal from the trauma of anorexia.

"This account of one family's journey into and out of the maelstrom of anorexia nervosa is stirring, insightful, and informative. Parents of children with eating disorders will find this book helpful, supportive, and deeply moving."

- James Lock, MD, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, Standford University School of Medicine; Director of the Adolescent Eating Disorders Program, author of Help Your Teenager with Their Eating Disorder

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